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Botox Injection

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species. It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, thus causing flaccid paralysis. The toxin causes the disease botulism.
Botox is a substance that is extracted from one of the types of bacteria, and this substance affects nerve impulses and is used in plastic surgery.

In any case, the amount that is used is not harmful, as it only paralyzes the muscles that cause wrinkles to appear and lead to relaxation, and these muscles are called expression muscles in the face, which makes the skin regain its smoothness and wrinkles disappear.
And Botox is a very effective treatment for removing wrinkles and signs of aging, and it is inserted into the body by injection, but the disadvantage is that this lasts for a short period and then the wrinkles and signs of skin aging will reappear and the period during which Botox remains is from three to six months And it requires re-injection again to hide the appearance of marks and wrinkles again.

BOTOX Injection Guide :

  • Forehead lines (10-30 units)
  • The area between the eyebrows, also known as “11” lines (10-25 units)
  • Upper eyebrow area or eyebrow lift (2-5 units per side)
  • Crow’s feet (5-15 units per side)
  • Nasalis or “bunny” lines around the nose (5-10 units per side)
  • Corners of mouth or smile (3-6 units per side)

Areas for Botox Injection

Upper face:

Frown lines (between eyebrows)

(frown lines) are the vertical creases that appear between the eyebrows, generating a tired or angry look. This is a very effective area on which to use BOTOX®. An experienced practitioner can subtly smooth these frown lines, resulting in a rejuvenated and more relaxed appearance. If the glabella lines are deep set, the practitioner is likely to recommend treatment with dermal filler in combination with BOTOX®, which is a highly effective way to fill and smooth the area simultaneously.

Forehead lines

Sometimes referred to as ‘surprise lines’, these appear on the forehead when your eyebrows are raised. As you age, they become more apparent. Excessive lines in this area can give the face and skin an aged appearance.
Horizontal forehead lines are mostly due to genetic ageing. Sun damage or smoking can also result in the formation of creases that are deeper and more difficult to treat. BOTOX® can lessen the effect but may not remove the lines completely. During your consultation, your practitioner might recommend a combination of BOTOX® and another treatment, such as dermal fillers.

Top of the nose (bunny lines)

Bunny lines’ are the creases that appear when the nose wrinkles up; for example, when we sniff or smell something. The careful placement of BOTOX® injections at either side of the nose can reduce the appearance of these lines. However, it is crucial that an experienced practitioner administers the injections, since your smile can be affected if they are not carried out properly.


Eyebrows/hooded eyes

There is an advanced technique that can be used to sculpt and lift the eyebrows to form the shape you desire. Sometimes called a ‘chemical brow lift’ or ‘BOTOX® facelift’, this procedure involves an experienced practitioner placing injections in a careful combination of areas on the upper face to open up the eye area and lift droopy lids

On younger faces, the brow is well supported and its position above the eye remains high. However, the effects of ageing can cause the brow to drop, giving the eyelid a ‘hooded’ appearance. This can create horizontal folds in the surrounding skin.

BOTOX® can be used very effectively to counteract this effect, raising and defining the eyebrows. However, it’s important to use the treatment sparingly in this area to avoid the recognizable overarched, ‘surprised’ look.

Wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet)

The appearance of fine lines, or ‘crow’s feet’ at the outer corners of the eyes, and their presence even when you’re not smiling, is often associated with ageing. However, BOTOX® is very effective in reducing their appearance. It’s therefore one of the most popular areas for the treatment.
With careful assessment, BOTOX® in this area can also help alleviate drooping eyelids – an effect that can make the eyes appear smaller.


Under the eyes (tear trough) :

Although it is possible to smooth fine creases underneath the eyes using BOTOX®, the area must be approached with caution. The muscle that is injected is the same muscle that partially controls the lower eyelid; therefore if too much is used, or the injection is placed incorrectly, it may lead to a drop of the lower eyelid.If it is under-eye ‘bags’ that you wish to address – that is, the area between the lower eyelid and the upper cheek, or ‘tear trough – then it might be that a different treatment would be more effective than BOTOX®, or could be used in combination with BOTOX®.For example, ‘bags’ under the eyes are often caused by loss of volume in the tear trough area, meaning dermal fillers may be more suitable. Alternatively, at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic we offer Ultherapy and Thermage® Eyes, which can also treat hollowing in the tear trough area.Your practitioner will be able to advise on the best course of treatment for your concern during the consultation.

Lower Face:

Lipstick lines (around the mouth)

The fine lines around the mouth that become more apparent with age are another concern that most cosmetic practitioners would recommend treating with dermal fillers rather than BOTOX®.
Many muscles in this area are used when we smile and for other facial expressions. Although some practitioners might use BOTOX® to help turn the corners of the mouth up and improve a person’s smile, this is usually carried out in conjunction with dermal fillers.

Chin (to prevent dimpling)

As we get older, the muscles in the chin, known as the mentalis muscles, become overactive – meaning they flex more often than they should, creating a dimpled, puckered appearance.

This effect is exacerbated by:

  • tissue loss, making the skin appear thinner
  • sun exposure
  • bone loss
  • gum recession
Jawline & Neck

Lines and wrinkles can develop on the neck as we age due to a number of factors, including:

  • genetics
  • the effects of gravity on the skin
  • weakened collagen
  • overworked facial muscles

BOTOX® can be used to smooth the neck in a procedure known as the ‘Nefertiti lift’. It is effective at relaxing two types of lines around the neck:

  • Jaw Angle (teeth grinding — bruxism)

Prolonged episodes of teeth grinding and jaw clenching – known as bruxism – can result in:

  • worn teeth
  • headaches
  • earaches

In many cases, bruxism is linked to stress and occurs subconsciously, often during sleep. Sleep conditions, such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (in which your natural breathing patterns are disrupted), have been linked to incidences of bruxism.