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Carbon Laser

Skin with vitality and freshness!

Carbon Laser Facials are a revolutionary, non-invasive, painless with virtually no-downtime procedure that helps rejuvenate the appearance of aging and damaged skin. It gently removes the top layer of skin, leaving an amazing glow with a vibrant, youthful complexion.

How it works.

We’ll apply a layer of liquid carbon to your face (or body), allowing it to penetrate deeply into your pores and let it dry. The carbon bonds with any debris that might be present, like dead skin cells, contaminants and oil.
We’ll then pass a laser across the surface of your skin. Because the laser light is super attracted to carbon particles, its energy and heat is absorbed by the carbon paste destroying the particles in your pores.
Light from the laser is attracted to the carbon. The carbon absorbs the light energy. The reaction causes a mini explosion. The explosion pushes the energy, in the form of heat, deep into the layers of the skin where elastin and collagen are activated and cells begin producing anew. Meanwhile, on the surface of the skin, as the explosion occurs the carbon is vaporized along with any dirt, oil or dead skin cells. Sounds kind of scary, with all the explosions and vaporizing, but don’t worry. There’s very little discomfort or pain. The sensation has been described as a mild tingling or very slight pinch

What does a carbon laser facial do?

CLF (carbon laser facial) is a non-ablative laser skin treatment that uses the conductive qualities of carbon to quickly and painlessly exfoliate, cleanse, clear and tighten pores, brighten and even-out skin tone and activate a deeply rejuvenating skin reaction that produces skin that is smooth, plump and radiant!

Are carbon lasers effective?

How effective is a laser carbon peel? Laser carbon peels are typically very effective for improving the look of oily skin and large pores. If you have severe acne or acne scarring, it may take several treatments before you see full result