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Chemical Peeling

Chemical peels are smoother and younger looking !

Skin Problems such as hyperpigmentation, dull skin, wrinkles and sagging skin, oily and acne prone skin, sensitive skin and rosacea and dark circles will be treated using a combination of medium to superficial depth chemical peelings.
Our peels work to restore skin’s natural vibrancy by removing impurities and promoting cellular energy for skin that looks tired and strained. Our peels:

  • Are medically developed skin regenerators
  • Are proven as a highly safe and successful method of non-surgical procedure
  • Treat the sagging areas of the skin, smoothen and soften skin, increase hydration and suppleness by treating sun damaged skin, balance irregular skin tones and improve oily and acne prone skin.
  • Increase the blood circulation of the skin and causes the upper layers of the skin to peel off. They also induce the regeneration of the skin by producing new cells and collagen fibers.
  • Are FDA approved Once the treatment is complete, 3 to 4 days later the old skin will peel off. Until then, you can work normally and do not need to take time off. On the 4th or 5th day, a follow up treatment takes place.

How long does chemical peel last?

3-5 days

Peeling usually lasts 3-5 days, depending on the actual peel treatment. Use of gentle cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen is important, as it will enhance the healing process and results. Normal activity may be resumed after the peel, however strenuous exercise and heavy sweating should be avoided for 2-3 days.

Can you see results after 1 peel?

You will notice a visible improvement in your skin after one peel, but best results are obtained with multiple treatments over time. … Just as it takes time for skin damage to accumulate, it also takes time to reverse it.