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HIFU technology is safe and effective for face lift and wrinkle improvement

What does a HIFU machine do?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening that some consider a noninvasive and painless replacement for face lifts. It uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin.

Does HIFU burn fat?

While fat reduction with HIFU is effective for the spot reduction of fat cells to contour and shape our physique, HIFU can also be used to firm and tighten loose and sagging skin … This is a no downtime, non-surgical treatment as the ultrasound energy does not affect or disrupt the surface of the skin.





How often can you have HIFU?

How many treatments you require will depend on your skin. In some cases only one treatment is required. In some cases however 2 or 3 subsequent treatments may be recommended every three months and one once a year.

Can HIFU get rid of double chin?

Can a HIFU face and neck lift really help erase my double chin? The answer is yes! … Working on both the face and neck, it’ll also improve your skin’s elasticity and shapes the face contours. By lifting and tightening your skin, it really can get rid of that double chin!

Does HIFU reduce face fat?

A proper HIFU procedure can reduce fats on the face / body when done properly with the right hand pieces. Excess facial fats such as jowls, double chin, and chubby cheeks can be reduced with a proper type of HIFU.